Monday, June 8, 2009

No not that kind of adult cartoon. I did start to come up with a catchier title but then I couldn't have gone with the opening line that made you feel bad for having your mind in the gutter and that is really more important to me than some great title.

Anyways, I've been watching a lot of anime lately. By a lot I mean about 2-3 hours a week in 20 minute increments. I know I need to clarify that because some people seem to think a lot would be days straight of anime eschewing sleep and other necessary habits. I've seen this when I was in college but never participated. I just don't have that kind of time or attention span. I have to admit 20 minutes is the limit of both right now.

One of the shows I got into is Code Gaess. This is an interesting show that I'd like to catch from the beginning. It is unfortunate that I saw the end before the beginning but whatever. It really felt like something designed to appeal to a child of the 80s that misses good 80s cartoons. What can I say other than it appeals to me. There are hidden morals within the show and the ultimate resolution was more than a little intriguing. The hero of the show is really an anti-hero. Lelouch is one of the heirs to the Empire that is responsible for so much evil in the world. During the climax of the show he makes himself into the Emperor and rules through absolute control and fear. He controls the entire world just long enough for the world to hate him completely then has his premier knight and best friend assassinate him under the guise of Zero. Lelouch was Zero for more of the series so it is a bit confusing. The point, though, is that Lelouch was willing to be hated and killed so that the world could be free from the bondage of hate and tyranny of the Empire.

I have to admit that this particular take on the Messianic narrative is one that I have not seen played out in media often.

2 Corinthians 5:21
He made Him who knew
sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Usually the Jesus narrative found in literature revolves around the idea of a person being willing to die for their friends but dying as a hero who is then resurrected to become an even greater hero. It is a very common story device, but the other side to Christ's sacrifice is seldom explored. Becoming reviled and taking on evil so that enemies might be freed from those pains through the sacrifice of death is so much more powerful than the standard savior tale.

Think about the cost that Jesus paid for those who despised him. How does that effect your thoughts on Him today?


Helen said...

I lost my train of thought wondering what you thought I would be thinking from the title. I

jasonS said...

That's good- worth exploring and pondering. And when you said adult cartoon, I knew exactly what you meant but I like those sorts of things so that's probably why. :)

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