I still want Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior, and to follow Him with every fiber of my being. I just don't want to be known as a Christian. I feel dirty and tainted right now because of how I've seen Christians act lately. They aren't acting like Christians are suppose to act, but they won't put away their title as Christian so it is time to come up with a new name for someone that asks Jesus to be their Lord and Savior and follows Him with every fiber of their being. People that want to scream and yell and seek justice because a bunch of so called Christians physically threatened people they love and verbally assaulted them, but instead read Matthew 5:9 and try to be the peacemaker. People that try to reach out to the same people Jesus would reach out to. People that want to be all that Christ called them to be. So now I just need a name. Here is my list of options. I hear that this was the original name Christians went by. I'm not sure if this is true or not but it is also the name of a group that may or may not be a cult. Of course if a whole bunch of people start living the life Jesus called us to then all the "Christians" are bound to call us a cult too so it might be a viable name. That's not the real name, I'm thinking we pull a Prince and get a nice symbol instead of a name, but it needs to be completely unpronounceable yet simple enough that we can throw it down with our fingers like gang signs. This works really well because people on the outside will have a hard time complaining when they can't use a name. At first I was thinking the Chi Rho, which is an awesome ancient symbol of Christianity that looks like an X and P overlapping. It is the first two letter of Christ in Greek. The problem is that Chi Rho is pronounceable so the Christians that aren't Christians will be able to complain about those rotten Chi Rhoers, but they probably have bad accents and so it will sound like they are saying something about stinking Churros, which won't make any sense. Also, I do like Churros so I'd hate for people to go around besmirching them when they are complaining about me. Wow that is a mouthful, but it does cover the bases, still I wonder if the name might be a bit ironic in that it is founded on not being hateful and yet it is hateful, so … maybe not. All joking aside I really think this is a great name. Back in the day the youth of the Assembly of God were called Christ's Ambassadors. The youth pastor was a CAP and the district youth director (DYD) was the DCAP. That was all before my time, but the idea is cool. Anyone think it will catch on? They ditched it in the AoG because it was uncool. So these are 4 of my ideas? Who is with me? Anyone else sick of being lumped in with people that give Christians a bad name? What ideas do you have? Wow, great big thanks to Marni for this one. It is so good I had to go and put it in the original post as if I thought it up all by myself. I can't believe I forgot this one. Of course the major drawback is that everyone would either have to be part of a great band that could pull off the Christian rap to rock transition or stand on a box in the middle of the city with a tat on the their belly that wiggles around like marmalade jelly. I'm willing to make the sacrifice for complete frigintasticalness though.Follower of the Way
People formerly known as Christians
Not Bitter and Hateful People that Claim to be Christians
Christ's Ambassador
Jesus Freak